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Why Do Truck Accident Cases Need To Be Handled Differently From Other Accidents?

Robert F. Spohrer

There are numerous circumstances and legal issues involved in the representation of semi-truck, tractor-trailer and other commercial vehicle accident cases.

Truck accident cases involve very severe injuries.

Accidents involving these types of trucks can result in injuries that require a long and painful rehabilitation period. Your medical bills can become insurmountable, which means you need to get the most out of the insurance coverage.

Truck drivers and their employers are federally regulated.

The operation of commercial trucks and tractor-trailers is governed by state motor vehicle codes and federal standards as established by the Department of Transportation (DOT).

These regulations cover all areas of operation: loading, lighting, driver licensing and certification, duty time parameters, and more. You need an attorney who fully understands state and federal regulations for trucks in order to prove that negligence occurred.

Critical evidence needs to be uncovered immediately!

Recovery after an accident caused by a commercial truck frequently requires a claim against the truck driver’s insurance policy as well as the trucking company’s commercial liability policy. As time passes, critical evidence can disappear.

It is important for you to speak with an attorney right away. Our truck accident attorneys in Florida can get to work immediately to protect your right to compensation.