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Home | Lake City, FL Truck Accident Lawyer

Lake City, FL Truck Accident Lawyer

Lake City Truck Accident Attorney

Most drivers in the Lake City area are accustomed to seeing large commercial trucks on the roads throughout Northeast Florida, and most encounter these vehicles without having any problems. However, truck accidents do occur for many reasons, often resulting in more devastating damages to those involved than what one would expect in a standard passenger vehicle accident.

Helping Truck Accident Victims Recover in Lake City, FL

If you are struggling in the aftermath of a truck accident that someone else caused, you need an experienced legal representative to help you recover as fully as possible. The right attorney can provide invaluable guidance and support for your recovery efforts, and you could be entitled to recover more compensation than you may initially expect. Spohrer Dodd has years of experience helping clients with all types of personal injury claims in Lake City, and we are ready to leverage this experience for you.

Lake City, FL Truck Accident Lawyer

How to Recover From a Truck Accident in Lake City

Florida upholds the no-fault rule when it comes to vehicle accidents. This means that all drivers are expected to use their own insurance to pay for the damages resulting from their vehicle accidents regardless of fault. However, it is possible to pursue additional compensation if your insurance cannot fully cover your damages and the defendant has caused a serious injury.

Truck accidents have a high chance of causing devastating physical injuries and expensive financial losses. Proving fault will be an essential step in building a successful personal injury case against the driver responsible for your truck accident, and your Lake City truck accident attorney can help gather the evidence needed to firmly establish liability in your case.

Before you can proceed with your personal injury suit against the defendant responsible for your truck accident, you must file a claim against your own auto insurance policy. Your Lake City truck accident attorney can help with the claim filing process, resolving any issues that arise between you and the insurer. Once you receive as much as possible from your insurance claim, you can file your personal injury case to seek compensation for any outstanding losses.

Spohrer Dodd will work closely with you through every step of your recovery efforts. From filing an initial insurance claim to gathering the evidence you will need to succeed with your personal injury suit, you can rely on our firm for ongoing guidance and reassurance through all phases of your truck accident case. We have years of experience handling vehicle accident cases on behalf of our clients, and we are ready to put this experience to work for you in your recovery efforts.

Lake City Semi-Truck Accidents FAQs

Q: How Much Can I Receive in a Truck Accident Settlement?

A: State law allows you to file a civil suit against the driver responsible for causing your recent truck accident when you have suffered a severe injury, and your insurance cannot fully compensate your damages. The total value of any personal injury case hinges on the extent and severity of the plaintiff’s damages. Your Lake City truck accident attorney can offer an estimate of your case’s potential value if you succeed.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Receive an Insurance Settlement?

A: Auto insurance is generally your first option for recovering from a truck accident or other vehicle accident in Lake City. When you submit your claim to your insurance company, state law dictates that the insurer has 90 days in which to respond. They must either approve the claim and issue their settlement offer, deny the claim, or notify you of an extension if they must investigate the claim further. Once a settlement has been agreed upon, the insurance company has 20 days to issue a check to the claimant.

Q: Why Do I Need to Hire a Lake City Truck Accident Attorney?

A: Technically, it is possible for you to pursue recovery from your recent truck accident on your own. There is no law requiring you to hire an attorney. However, do not make the mistake of assuming that you can reach the same results as an attorney could for you, even if your claim appears straightforward. You could encounter various legal challenges that you will not know how to address on your own, and working with seasoned legal counsel is the ideal method of maximizing your chances of success with any truck accident claim in North Florida.

Q: What Happens if I Share Fault for a Truck Accident?

A: It is possible for you to bear partial liability for your recent truck accident and still recover compensation for your damages. The state enforces a modified comparative negligence rule, meaning when a plaintiff in a civil suit bears partial liability for their claimed damages, they can only recover partial compensation to reflect their shared fault. As long as you are less than 50% at fault, you can recover your damages minus the percentage of fault you hold for causing them. For example, 20% fault means losing 20% of the case award. If you are 50% or more at fault, it nullifies your ability to seek compensation from another liable party.

Q: What Are Attorney’s Fees for a Lake City Truck Accident Attorney?

A: It’s understandable to have concerns about the potential cost of hiring legal counsel for your truck accident claim, but the majority of attorneys offering personal injury counsel in the area work on contingency. When you have a contingency fee agreement, the attorney only takes a percentage of your final case award as their fee at the end of your case, and you pay nothing if they are unable to secure compensation for you.

The attorneys at Spohrer Dodd are ready to answer your questions and provide the support you need to approach a truck accident claim with confidence and peace of mind. The sooner you reach out to our firm, the more time we have to build a compelling case for you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a Lake City truck accident attorney and learn more about the legal services we offer.
