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Brunswick Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Brunswick Medical Malpractice Attorney

Thousands of residents of Georgia and North Florida rely on various medical professionals to administer safe and effective treatment for injuries and illnesses. Unfortunately, while the majority of health care professionals in the Brunswick area adhere to their duty to do no harm to their patients and apply the appropriate standard of care to each patient, some do not, and when medical malpractice occurs, the results can be devastating for the victim and their family.

Reliable Legal Counsel for Brunswick Medical Malpractice Claims

If you or a loved one is suffering from the effects of any medical provider’s professional misconduct or negligence during the course of medical treatment, a Brunswick medical malpractice attorney is the best resource to consult to determine how you can hold them accountable.

Spohrer Dodd has years of experience helping clients in the Brunswick area with all manner of personal injury claims, including medical malpractice suits against doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals and their employers. However, medical malpractice suits are unique within personal injury law due to the strict legal prerequisites that must be met for a plaintiff to succeed with their suit. Therefore, if you anticipate filing a medical malpractice claim for any reason in the near future, a Brunswick medical malpractice attorney is the ideal asset to have on your side.

Brunswick GA Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Common Examples of Medical Malpractice Claims in Brunswick

Medical malpractice occurs whenever a health care professional fails to meet their patient’s standard of care through negligence, incompetence, or intentional misconduct of any kind. While medicine is inherently uncertain in many ways, there is a major difference between a mistake made in good faith during the course of difficult medical treatment and a negligent medical injury resulting from malpractice.

If you are unsure whether the harm you recently experienced constitutes medical malpractice, Spohrer Dodd is ready to clarify your situation and explain your options for legal recourse against the party responsible for the injury you suffered. A few examples of the types of medical malpractice claims our firm represents include:

  • Surgical errors. While most surgical procedures entail a degree of risk, any surgical injury caused by negligence in the operating room can potentially cause life-changing harm to the patient and form grounds for a malpractice claim.
  • Prescription errors. A prescribing physician could face a malpractice suit if they prescribe the wrong medication and/or the wrong dosage to a patient. It’s also possible for a pharmacist to face a malpractice claim if they fail to fill a prescription correctly.
  • Birth injuries. A physician performing childbirth care could face a medical malpractice claim if their negligence results in any injury to the infant and/or the mother. Birth injuries commonly result in permanent medical complications and disabilities, leading to tremendous financial strain for the affected family.
  • Diagnostic errors. Failure to diagnose a patient, failure to deliver a timely diagnosis, misdiagnosis with the wrong condition, or any other diagnostic failure may constitute grounds for a malpractice claim. This type of malpractice can cause a patient’s condition to worsen or subject them to treatments that do nothing to improve their condition.
  • Anesthesia errors. Negligent misapplication of anesthesia and/or failure to monitor a patient’s vital signs during the administration of anesthesia can easily result in tremendous harm to the patient or even fatal injury.

No matter what type of medical malpractice you or your loved one experienced, you need reliable legal counsel you can trust to guide you through the complex legal proceedings you face as you seek recovery from your injury. Spohrer Dodd will take time to listen to your side of the story, help you understand the complex legal mechanisms likely to come into play in your case, and help you make more informed and confident decisions about your impending medical malpractice case.

Recovering From Medical Malpractice in Brunswick, GA

Medical malpractice claims are more complex than most other personal injury cases, but the same types of damages can be claimed by plaintiffs suffering the effects of medical malpractice. In addition, state law allows the plaintiff to seek full recovery from all of the economic losses they suffer because of a medical practitioner’s malpractice, which commonly includes medical expenses and lost income.

The defendant responsible for injuring you is liable for the cost of any and all corrective treatment you require to reach maximum medical improvement from your injury. If this entails long-term care for managing a severe injury, you can include these anticipated future losses in your claim. Similarly, you have the right to claim both immediate and future income lost due to your injury. For example, you may be unable to work for several weeks or months, or your injury may have been severe enough to leave you completely unable to return to your job in the future.

Spohrer Dodd will assist you in calculating the full scope of economic damages you can include in your medical malpractice suit. Additionally, the state no longer enforces a cap on non-economic damages in these cases, so our firm will also seek to maximize the pain and suffering compensation you obtain from your successful case.

Our team will help you meet the necessary preliminary requirements of your claim, such as obtaining an affidavit from an expert to support your medical malpractice claim and meeting the statute of limitations. Our goal in every medical malpractice case our firm accepts is to eliminate uncertainty and help our client reach the best outcome possible in the shortest time possible. So don’t hesitate to connect with our firm so we can begin guiding you toward the best attainable outcome for your medical malpractice case.

FAQs About Brunswick, FL Medical Malpractice Law

What Is the Difference Between Negligence and Malpractice?

The terms “medical negligence” and “medical malpractice” are sometimes used interchangeably, but these two terms are legally distinct from one another. Negligence refers to a failure to use reasonable care and caution in a specific situation. Malpractice refers to a professional failure to meet a standard of care during the course of medical treatment. If you are unsure whether a recent injury in a medical setting constitutes malpractice, it’s essential to consult an experienced Brunswick medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible.

What Do You Need to File a Medical Malpractice Claim in Brunswick?

State law requires a plaintiff in a medical malpractice suit to obtain an affidavit of an expert from a qualified medical professional. This affidavit must come from a medical practitioner who holds similar qualifications to the defendant named in the plaintiff’s civil suit. The affidavit should explain the nature of the defendant’s failure and a clear explanation as to how the defendant failed to meet the plaintiff’s standard of care.

How Do I Prove Damages in a Medical Malpractice Suit?

To succeed with any medical malpractice claim, the plaintiff must be prepared to show that the defendant responsible for their injuries caused their injuries through their failure to meet the plaintiff’s standard of care. Your Brunswick medical malpractice attorney will be an invaluable asset for proving the full range of economic losses you suffered from the defendant’s actions, including the cost of any corrective treatment you required and your lost income during your recovery period. You also have the right to seek pain and suffering compensation, and your attorney will be crucial for determining an appropriate amount to include in your claim.

How Long Do I Have to File a Medical Malpractice Case in Georgia?

The statute of limitations is the time limit in which a plaintiff must file their civil suit. In the state, the statute of limitations on medical malpractice cases is two years from the date the malpractice occurs. However, there is an overarching five-year statute of limitations for claims in which the harm done is not immediately recognizable. There are also separate statutes of limitations for specific injuries and for children injured by malpractice. Therefore, consult an experienced Brunswick medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible after your injury to have the best chance of maximizing your recovery.

How Much Does a Brunswick Medical Malpractice Attorney Cost to Hire?

Most of the medical malpractice attorneys accepting cases in the state take clients on a contingency fee basis. With this type of billing arrangement, the client is not required to pay any legal fees upfront, nor are they required to pay ongoing legal fees for the duration of their case. They only pay their attorney a fee once they win their case, and the amount paid is a percentage of their case award. If their attorney is unable to secure compensation on their behalf for any reason, they do not pay a fee at all.

Spohrer Dodd has the skills and resources necessary to guide you to a favorable outcome in your impending medical malpractice case. We take time to carefully review each client’s unique circumstances and help them understand the best options for legal recourse available to them. Whatever your situation may entail, you can rely on our team to answer your questions and help you navigate the difficult proceedings ahead. Contact Spohrer Dodd today to schedule your free consultation with an experienced and compassionate Brunswick medical malpractice attorney.
