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Home | Ocala, FL Surgical Errors Lawyer

Ocala, FL Surgical Errors Lawyer

Ocala, FL Surgical Errors Attorneys

When you undergo a surgical procedure in North Florida, you have the reasonable expectation that your surgeon will clearly explain all the risks and proposed benefits of the procedure and perform the procedure with the utmost care. While there is a risk of harm with every surgical procedure, there is a major difference between an understandable mistake and an error resulting from negligence. An Ocala, FL, surgical errors lawyer can help in the case of the latter.

Ocala FL Surgical Errors Lawyer

Experienced Legal Counsel for Surgical Error Claims in Ocala, FL

The team at Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys has years of professional experience resolving a wide range of complex medical malpractice cases for clients in Ocala and throughout Northeast Florida, including surgical error claims. These cases are unlike other personal injury claims, and the state enforces strict rules that apply specifically to medical malpractice suits. If you are unsure whether you have grounds for legal recourse, you need to contact us right away.

A medical malpractice case is a form of personal injury claim that will require meeting strict procedural rules and gathering substantial evidence to support your case, some of which you may not know how to obtain on your own. Additionally, you will need the help of an experienced attorney to uncover all the various forms of compensation you are eligible to claim from the defendant.

Our goal is to help you prove fault for the surgical error that harmed you and to secure compensation for the resulting damages. We can help you meet all the procedural requirements your case demands, find all the various forms of compensation you can seek from the defendant, and help streamline your proceedings as much as possible to reduce the time it takes for you to recover your losses.

Building a Surgical Error Claim in North Florida

Before you can file a medical malpractice suit with the court, state law requires that you obtain an affidavit of merit from a medical professional who holds the same or greater board certifications as those of the defendant. They must explain how the defendant breached the standard of care that applied in the procedure and how the defendant’s actions harmed the plaintiff.

The plaintiff will need to send this affidavit to the defendant with advance notice of their intent to file suit. They will also need to prove the full extent of the damages they suffered, which may include increased medical expenses, future medical treatment costs for managing their condition, lost income, and lost earning power if their injury prevents them from working. They also have the right to claim pain and suffering compensation.

Ultimately, a surgical error claim or any other type of medical malpractice suit can be one of the most challenging legal cases a person can face, so they need legal representation they can trust on their side to reach the optimal outcome. If you or a loved one recently suffered a serious injury in the operating room that you believe occurred because of a medical professional’s negligence, the team at Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys can help you pursue accountability and compensation for your damages.


Q: What Compensation Can I Claim for a Surgical Error in North Florida?

A: In North Florida, the compensation you could claim for a surgical error could include all economic damages you suffered from the incident, so the cost of future medical expenses and lost earning capacity can also be claimed if you have been rendered unable to work because of the injury. You also have the right to seek pain and suffering compensation, and state law no longer enforces any limits on non-economic damages in medical malpractice claims.

Q: How Do You File a Surgical Error Claim in Ocala?

A: To file a surgical error claim in Ocala, you must secure an affidavit of merit from a medical professional who holds the same or greater medical board certifications as the defendant, and they must explain how the defendant breached the standard of care for the procedure. This affidavit must be sent with advance notice of intent to file suit prior to your filing of the complaint with the court.

Q: What Penalties Can a Surgeon Face for Medical Malpractice?

A: The penalties a surgeon could face for medical malpractice will depend on the nature and severity of their actions. If they harmed a patient through negligence, they are liable for medical malpractice and the resulting damages. If they were operating while under the influence or engaging in any other egregious professional misconduct, or if they attempted to conceal the harm they have done, they face criminal prosecution and loss of their medical license.

Q: Why Do I Need an Ocala Surgical Error Attorney?

A: You need an Ocala surgical errors lawyer to represent your case if you want to have the greatest chance of success with the case. Medical malpractice suits are very different from other personal injury claims, and you face various statutory rules that you may not know how to overcome on your own. You are more likely to succeed with your claim and more likely to maximize your case award if you have experienced legal counsel representing you.

Q: What Are Attorneys’ Fees for an Ocala Surgical Errors Lawyer?

A: Attorneys’ fees for an Ocala surgical errors lawyer are limited by state law. The contingency fee system applies, meaning the client pays their attorney only a percentage of their case award. The percentage they pay will vary based on the overall value of the case. Additionally, they pay a fee only if their attorney wins their case. There is no fee at all if the attorney is unable to secure compensation for their client.

The team at Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys is ready to provide the compassionate legal counsel you need to approach your impending surgical error claim with confidence and peace of mind. We have the experience necessary to fluently handle the most challenging cases, and we are ready to put our experience to work for you. Contact our team today to schedule a free initial consultation with an Ocala surgical errors lawyer.
