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Home | Daytona, FL Serious Injury Lawyer

Daytona, FL Serious Injury Lawyer

Daytona, FL Serious Injury Attorney

If you or a family member is harmed by another party’s negligence or illegal misconduct, you have the right to seek accountability and compensation for your losses through a personal injury suit. However, if you suffered a serious injury that caused any measure of permanent damage, it is vital to have an experienced Daytona, FL, serious injury lawyer handle your case. You may be entitled to more compensation than you initially expected.

Best Daytona FL Serious Injury Lawyer

Representing Catastrophic Injury Claims in Daytona, FL

The team at Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys offers responsive, client-focused, and results-driven legal representation for a wide range of personal injury claims, including those pertaining to serious and permanently damaging injuries. We know the many legal challenges you might encounter in your efforts to recover compensation from whoever caused your injury and want to help you overcome them.

Our goal for your impending personal injury case is maximum compensation in the shortest possible timeframe. You can rely on our team for support and guidance through every step of the case, from gathering the evidence needed to establish fault to negotiating a settlement with the defendant if possible or guiding you through litigation if necessary. Whatever your case entails, trust our team to provide ongoing support until you reach a positive resolution.

How to Build a Serious Injury Claim in North Florida

In every personal injury case, the plaintiff filing the case must identify the party they believe to be responsible for causing their damages, prove how they caused their damages, and then prove the full extent of those damages. They must also establish causation, meaning their claimed losses resulted from the defendant’s actions and not from any other cause. Your serious injury lawyer in Daytona, FL, can be invaluable for gathering the evidence needed to build your case.

Once you have identified the party responsible for causing your serious injury, your legal team can help prove the full extent of the damages they inflicted. Under Florida’s personal injury laws, the plaintiff has the right to claim full repayment of their economic damages, including their anticipated future damages, when their injury is likely to have lasting effects. For example, you can claim lost wages as well as lost earning capacity if you won’t be able to return to work.

Additionally, Florida law allows a personal injury plaintiff to claim compensation for their pain and suffering. There is no cap on the amount they are allowed to claim, nor is there a specific formula they need to use to calculate pain and suffering. Your serious injury lawyer in Daytona, FL can provide valuable guidance in this aspect of your case, helping you to determine a suitable amount of pain and suffering compensation to seek from the defendant.

A serious injury claim in Northeast Florida could pertain to a severe burn, a traumatic brain injury, a spinal cord injury, or any other injury that caused lasting effects. These injuries can be both physically and psychologically traumatic in many ways. Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys has the experience and professional resources necessary to resolve the most challenging personal injury cases, and we are ready to help you and your family navigate your impending case with confidence.


Q: Can I Claim Compensation if I’m Partially at Fault for My Injury in North Florida?

A: You can claim compensation if you were partially at fault for your injury in North Florida, but your shared liability incurs a penalty. Florida follows the modified comparative fault rule, so as long as you are found less than 50% at fault, you can still claim compensation from a defendant, but you lose a percentage of your case award as a penalty. Fault over 50% prevents you from claiming compensation from the defendant.

Q: How Do I Prove Liability for a Serious Injury?

A: You prove liability for a serious injury by effectively leveraging evidence and witness testimony. The evidence you will require will vary from case to case, and it is important that you consult a serious injury lawyer as quickly as possible after your injury so they can begin gathering critical evidence for you. The right attorney can handle your case proceedings so you can focus on your recovery with peace of mind.

Q: How Much Compensation Can I Claim for a Serious Injury Accident?

A: The amount of compensation you can claim for a serious injury may be more than you initially expect once you calculate long-term damages. Florida’s personal injury laws enable you to seek compensation for both immediate and future economic losses resulting from the injury, and you also have the right to seek pain and suffering compensation that reflects the severity of the harm done to you by the defendant.

Q: Why Should I Hire a Daytona, FL, Serious Injury Lawyer?

A: You should hire a serious injury lawyer because you are not only more likely to win your case with their help, but also more likely to maximize the total compensation you obtain for your damages. Your attorney knows how to uncover all the various forms of compensation you can claim from the defendant and determine a suitable amount of pain and suffering compensation to seek from your claim.

Q: How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney in Daytona?

A: The cost to hire a personal injury attorney in Daytona varies from attorney to attorney. Each has its own billing policy, but the majority of personal injury lawyers in Northeast Florida accept these cases on a contingency fee basis. This billing strategy makes legal counsel more accessible to a wider client base because the client pays a fee only if their attorney wins their case, and their fee is a percentage of the total compensation recovered for them.

Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys has helped many clients in the Daytona area and throughout North Florida with all types of complex injury claims, including those pertaining to catastrophic and permanently disabling injuries. If you or a family member recently sustained a serious injury due to another party’s actions, we can help. Contact Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys today to schedule a free consultation with a trustworthy Daytona, FL, serious injury lawyer.
