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Robert Spohrer Coaches Cross Examinations at the NTL’s Trial Academy Bootcamp

Robert F. Spohrer

On Saturday, November 23rd, our very own Robert Spohrer was honored to serve as a coach for the National Trial Lawyer’s Top 40 Under 40 Trial Academy Bootcamp. In this program, veteran trial attorneys help emerging legal professionals build their courtroom confidence and become the best trial lawyers they can be.

About the Event

The 3-day conference in Orlando, Florida began with attendees watching footage of top-litigators in their most recent trials. From there, the NTL Top 40 Under 40 attended a series of long-form lectures on relevant topics. Attorney Spohrer led the section on cross-examinations, sharing his wisdom and experience with the lawyers of the future. Coaches also gave constructive feedback to attendees after watching their opening and closing statements.

About the Top 40 Under 40

The National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 under 40 is a professional, invitation-only organization of young, accomplished lawyers from each state in the nation. Its distinguished members strive towards the skill, knowledge, experience, and success held by the nation’s Top 100 Trial Attorneys, which include Robert Spohrer. Events like the NTL’s Trial Academy Bootcamp help young attorneys network, develop new ideas, and protect the legal industry.

About Robert Spohrer

Robert “Bob” Spohrer is the founding partner and president of Spohrer Dodd. He specializes in aviation accidents, medical malpractice, defective products, and insurance law cases. Throughout his 4 decades as a trial attorney, Mr. Spohrer has appeared before the United States Supreme Court and handled high-profile cases at the state and federal level with coverage from 60 Minutes, the Washington Post, NPR, and the BBC. Outside of the courtroom, Bob is an active member of the community, donating pro bono representation and pursuing his passion for aircraft and recreational aviation.

Why Choose Our Firm?

Headed by Attorney Spohrer, Spohrer Dodd has over 150 years of collective legal experience and a history of success that includes over $1 billion in recovery on behalf of our clients.

If you’ve been injured or wronged, look no further than our firm. We work as a team to help everyday people utilize the power of the civil justice system. Not only do we know how the system works, but we also contribute our time and energy to preserve its sanctity.

Call (904) 637-7721 today for active, engaged legal counsel and don’t forget to set up your free consultation.