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Miami Air Defense Lawyers Argue Crash Was an Act of God

Robert F. Spohrer

Last year, our team at Spohrer Dodd filed a lawsuit against Miami Air International

alleging that preventable errors caused Miami Air Flight 293 to crash into the St. Johns River. Arguing on behalf of passenger Gary Moss, who was severely injured in the Flight 293 crash, our attorney Galen Bauer has led the charge against the Miami Air defense team. As the trial continues in federal court, Attorney Bauer appeared on local news channel WJXT4 to discuss recent developments in the case – and explain how the defense team has repeatedly chosen to blame external circumstances for the crash.

“They have turned around now and blamed the passengers on that flight for the crash, which is outrageous,” said Bauer to news reporters. “In their response in federal court, Miami Air also said that this was God’s fault, that this was an act of God that this accident occurred.”

During our in-depth investigation, our team uncovered that the Flight 293 crash could have easily been prevented if not for repeated counts of negligence at Miami Air. From maintenance problems to pilot error, the airline staff and crew failed to keep passengers safe at multiple points.

Here are some of the key factors that contributed to this accident:

  • There was an active thunderstorm around Jacksonville, the flight’s destination. Miami Air knew about this storm but did not follow standard procedures for avoiding contact.
  • The crew was aware that the plane had serious mechanical issues with the thrust reversers but still chose to continue the flight as normal.
  • The pilot and crew ignored the NAS JAX airport controllers when they warned about dangerous weather conditions on the runways, electing to land the plane instead.
  • The pilot also failed to navigate the plane properly while landing and did not warn passengers about the upcoming impact.

Although the Miami Air defense team has attempted to deflect any responsibility for these acts of negligence and carelessness, our attorneys at Spohrer Dodd are confident we can show the jury evidence that this airline failed to take necessary safety precautions. As nationally-recognized aviation accident lawyers, we have both the resources and the experience to navigate this case through to its conclusion in court. We look forward to fighting on behalf of our client and pursuing justice in this important matter.

For a consultation on your case, contact Spohrer Dodd today.