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Home | Orange Park, FL Truck Accident Lawyer

Orange Park, FL Truck Accident Lawyer

Orange Park Truck Accident Attorney

Commercial trucking is an essential component of the supply chain in the United States, and many communities throughout Northeast Florida rely on these vehicles to deliver essential goods and materials every day. Most drivers in Orange Park are used to seeing large trucks on local roads, and it is vital for every driver to recognize the inherent risks these vehicles present to drivers of smaller vehicles. Commercial truck accidents do happen for many reasons, often resulting in devastating damages.

Helping Truck Accident Victims Recover Their Losses in Orange Park, FL

If you recently experienced a truck accident, you will need legal representation you trust to guide you through the recovery process ahead of you. Spohrer Dodd can provide the personal injury counsel you need in Orange Park, and our firm has a record of many successful truck accident cases in North Florida. You can rely on our team to guide you through the difficult proceedings ahead and secure maximum compensation for your losses.

Orange Park, FL Truck Accident Lawyer

Filing Your Truck Accident Suit in Orange Park

The first step in recovering from any vehicle accident is proving exactly how the accident occurred. Florida upholds the no-fault rule for accidents, meaning drivers are expected to use their own insurance to pay for damages from an accident regardless of who caused it. However, truck accidents tend to be far more damaging than standard passenger vehicle accidents.

When insurance alone cannot compensate your damages, and you have sustained severe injuries, you will have grounds to pursue a civil suit against the party responsible for your accident. You must identify the party or parties responsible for causing the accident, prove the full extent of the damages they caused, and then construct a viable civil suit that aims for maximum compensation.

An experienced Orange Park truck accident attorney can be an invaluable asset when it comes to proving fault for your damages, exposing the full extent of those damages, and guiding you through the process of recovering as fully as possible under state law. Your case may begin with an auto insurance claim and then proceed to a civil suit against whoever caused your accident, and this case may be more complex than you initially expect. When you choose Spohrer Dodd to represent you in a truck accident case, our team’s goal is to help you recover as fully as the law allows.

Truck Accident Attorneys FAQs

Q: Why Should I Hire an Orange Park Truck Accident Attorney?

A: It is technically possible to pursue compensation for a truck accident without hiring legal counsel, but you would face several significant challenges in doing so. You would be forced to contend with strict filing requirements and procedural time limits while managing the medical effects of the accident and your personal life. When you hire an Orange Park truck accident attorney to help with your case, you are more likely to win, and you will not need to worry about the basic procedural elements of your case; your attorney can handle these issues for you.

Q: How Much Can I Claim in Compensation for a Truck Accident?

A: A truck accident claim is a type of personal injury claim, and state law states that the defendant responsible for inflicting a personal injury is liable for all damages incurred by the plaintiff. Your Orange Park truck accident attorney can help accurately calculate property damage, medical expenses, and lost income you can cite as economic damages, and they can assist you in recovering compensation for your pain and suffering.

Q: What Is the Statute of Limitations for Truck Accident Cases in Orange Park?

A: If you plan to file a personal injury claim in response to a truck accident in Orange Park or anywhere else in North Florida, the state’s statute of limitations for filing your personal injury case is four years from the date the accident occurred. However, your recovery is likely to start with the filing of an auto insurance claim, and you have a much shorter time limit in which to do this. Consulting an attorney you can trust as soon as possible after your accident significantly improves your chances of meeting all applicable deadlines in your recovery efforts.

Q: Can I Still Claim Compensation for a Truck Accident if I’m Partially at Fault?

A: Yes, it is possible for a truck accident victim to bear partial liability for a truck accident and still recover compensation for their damages. However, their recovery is limited based on their liability, and they must be less at fault then the defendant. Under the state’s modified comparative negligence law, a plaintiff may only recover compensation as long as they are less than 50% at fault, and their fault percentage is deducted as a penalty. If they are more than 50% at fault they cannot claim compensation from the defendant.

Q: How Much Do Truck Accident Lawyers Charge in North Florida?

A: The majority of attorneys representing personal injury clients in the Orange Park area do so on a contingency fee basis. This means their client is not required to pay any legal fees until their attorney wins their case. At the end of a successful civil suit, the client pays their attorney a percentage of the total compensation recovered from the defendant. If the attorney is unable to secure a case award from the defendant, the client pays nothing in legal fees. Confirm a prospective attorney’s billing policy before signing a contract for their representation so there are no surprises when it comes to your legal fees at the end of your case.

Spohrer Dodd is ready to provide the compassionate legal counsel you need in the aftermath of a truck accident. Our firm has helped many past clients recover from these incidents with confidence due to our commitment to client-focused legal counsel, responsive communication, and solid track record of successful cases. If you are ready to learn how an Orange Park truck accident attorney can help you recover from your recent accident, contact Spohrer Dodd today to schedule a free consultation with our team.
