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Home | Orange Park, FL Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Orange Park, FL Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Orange Park Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Thousands of motorcyclists throughout Florida experience accidents each year, and some of these incidents result in catastrophic harm. If you or a member of your family recently sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident, it is vital to know your rights and how to recover your losses. An experienced Orange Park, FL, motorcycle accident lawyer is the ideal asset to have on your side in this challenging situation.

Best Orange Park, FL Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Legal Counsel for Motorcycle Accident Victims in Orange Park

While it is technically possible for you to pursue compensation for your recent motorcycle accident damages on your own, having an attorney’s assistance will make all your recovery efforts much easier to manage. When you choose Spohrer Dodd to represent your case, you are investing in extensive experience handling all types of personal injury cases in Orange Park.

The state’s no-fault rule for vehicle accidents requires drivers to use their own insurance to cover their losses after an accident, regardless of who was at fault. While this may seem like a barrier to your full recovery, you can still file a personal injury suit when your damages are severe enough to exceed the extent of available insurance coverage.

Our team has years of experience guiding clients in Orange Park and surrounding communities through all types of complex civil claims. You can rely on our firm to represent you before an insurance carrier, ensuring that it handles your claim in good faith and delivers a fair settlement offer. When you have grounds for additional legal recourse, you can rely on our firm to build a compelling case for you that aims for maximum compensation.

You have a limited time in which to pursue recovery from a motorcycle accident. You only have a few days in which you can file an auto insurance claim, and there is a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury claims. Any delay in seeking legal counsel could jeopardize your recovery, so it is crucial that you connect with a reliable Orange Park motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible after your accident.

Filing Your Auto Insurance Claim for a Motorcycle Accident

Florida law requires every driver to have auto insurance that includes personal injury protection (PIP). This will go toward paying for medical expenses and lost income following a motorcycle accident, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. However, it will only cover the extent of your total damages, and you could encounter all types of problems in your interactions with the insurance carrier.

When you have an Orange Park motorcycle accident attorney representing you, they can oversee your interactions with the insurance company to verify that they are dealing in good faith and upholding their responsibilities under the terms of the policy. Once they deliver your settlement offer, your legal team can verify that it is fair and reasonable.

Proving Liability in a Personal Injury Case

While Florida’s no-fault rule for vehicle accidents may seem like it would prevent you from filing a personal injury claim against the driver who caused your recent motorcycle accident, it is not necessarily true. Under certain conditions, you would have grounds to pursue compensation for all damages that your insurance could not cover.

Success with a personal injury claim requires careful attention to detail and gathering evidence to support your claim. Motorcycle accidents most often occur because of negligence behind the wheel, such as speeding, moving violations, and distracted driving. These accidents can also occur because of intentional misconduct, a common example of which is driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs.

Your Orange Park motorcycle accident attorney can help obtain the evidence you will need to clearly establish fault for the damages you suffered. This evidence may include physical evidence from the scene of the crash, testimony from witnesses who saw the accident happen, and digital evidence such as the other driver’s cell phone records and traffic camera recordings.

It is important to note that if you share fault for causing your motorcycle accident, it may not interfere with your auto insurance claim filing process, but it will impact your recovery from a personal injury claim. Your attorney can advise you as to how any shared fault you hold may impact your recovery and the total compensation you can obtain for your damages.

Claiming Damages in Your Personal Injury Case

You are eligible to file a personal injury claim in response to your motorcycle accident if your damages exceed the extent of coverage your insurance policy includes. Under the state’s personal injury laws, the plaintiff has the right to seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses. A motorcycle accident can easily result in catastrophic injuries, many of which will require extensive ongoing medical treatments. Your insurance may only cover a fraction of your total medical bills, and you can hold the defendant accountable for the remainder.
  • Lost income. Similar to your medical expenses, your insurance may only cover a portion of your lost income after your accident. Additionally, you not only have the right to claim compensation for any missing income that insurance can’t cover, but also your lost future earning capacity if your accident resulted in a permanent disability that diminishes your ability to work and earn income.
  • Property damage. You can seek compensation for the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle.
  • Pain and suffering. Florida law allows you to claim compensation for the physical pain and psychological distress you suffered because of the defendant’s actions. The amount you can claim depends on the severity of your injuries and whether you have suffered any permanent harm from the accident. There is no limit on pain and suffering compensation in most personal injury cases filed.

Ultimately, you could be entitled to far more compensation than you may initially expect and far more than your insurance can cover. When you have an experienced Orange Park motorcycle accident attorney representing you, you are not only more likely to succeed with your recovery efforts but also more likely to maximize your total recovery as fully as state law allows. Spohrer Dodd is ready to provide the comprehensive legal counsel you will need in this situation.

FAQs About Motorcycle Accidents

Q: How Much Compensation Do You Get for a Motorcycle Accident?

A: Your own auto insurance policy will be your primary source of compensation after any vehicle accident. However, if you are eligible to file a personal injury claim against another driver, it could enable you to recover compensation for any damages that your insurance won’t cover. Additionally, there is no cap on the pain and suffering compensation you can claim from the defendant.

Q: How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Suit?

A: If you plan to file a personal injury claim in Florida, you must do so within the applicable statute of limitations. Generally, the statute of limitations for most personal injury claims is two years, and this time limit starts on the date an injury occurs. Two years might sound like more than enough time, but it is always advisable to start your claim filing process as soon as you can after your accident.

Q: What Happens if More Than One Driver Is at Fault for a Motorcycle Accident?

A: The state upholds a modified comparative fault rule that can apply to any civil case in which multiple parties share fault for the damages. Each liable party will have a fault percentage assigned, indicating how much of the damages they are responsible for repaying. It is possible for a plaintiff to share fault, in which case they can still recover damages as long as they are less than 50% at fault. Their fault percentage is taken from their case award as a penalty.

Q: What Happens When a Motorcycle Accident Is Fatal?

A: If a loved one has died in a fatal crash that someone else caused, your family may have grounds to pursue a wrongful death suit. This will effectively replace the personal injury claim the victim could have filed if they had survived. The state enforces strict rules for wrongful death claims, and your case will require the attention of an experienced attorney.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire an Orange Park Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

A: Every attorney has their own billing policy, but the majority of personal injury attorneys accept clients on contingency. When you have a contingency fee agreement with your attorney, your fee will be a percentage of the total compensation they recover for you. However, you only pay this fee if and when they win your case. There is no fee if your attorney is unable to obtain compensation for your damages.

When you have Spohrer Dodd representing you in a motorcycle accident case, you can trust our team to provide compassionate guidance and support through all stages of your recovery efforts. The sooner you reach out to our team, the sooner we can get started building your case. Contact us today and schedule your free consultation with an Orange Park motorcycle accident attorney.
