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Attorney Roger Dodd Highlighted in UK Counsel Magazine

Robert F. Spohrer

Recognized both at home and abroad for his extensive courtroom skills, our firm partner and Board-Certified Civil Trial Specialist Roger Dodd has often provided scholarly contributions and mentorship opportunities to help other lawyers improve. In January, we shared a post on Attorney Dodd’s inclusion in an upcoming issue of Counsel Magazine, which is the official monthly journal for the Bar of England and Wales.

Now, we’re pleased to share that the article has been published in the March 2019 issue of Counsel Magazine. Titled “What the Bar Can Learn from U.S. Trial Lawyers” and written by Edward Henry, Queen’s Counsel, it references a time last year when Attorney Dodd personally mentored Henry on the process of thematic case analysis.

Making a special note of Dodd’s ability to work with the jury, Henry writes that Dodd is uniquely gifted at “evok[ing] in the jury the same feelings of trauma and disorientation felt by the witness,” allowing them to better understand a platintiff’s predicament. This skill has not only helped him to win powerful results for his personal injury and other civil clients, but to teach other attorneys how to strengthen their approach in trial.

Interested in learning more? You can read the Counsel Magazine article in more depth here! If you need assistance from a highly skilled civil trial lawyer, you can also contact Spohrer Dodd at (904) 637-7721 for a simple, risk-free evaluation.