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Spohrer Dodd Welcomes You to Observe HIE Awareness Month

Robert F. Spohrer

No family should have to face hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) alone. This is the credence of Hope for HIE and its HIE Awareness Month, which is April 2019.

The cause of HIE is a lack of oxygen or blood flow to the brain, generally during the birthing process. 3 out of every 1,000 births in America will result in the newborn suffering from HIE. Yet, despite its relative commonality, most parents have no idea what HIE is until it happens, and they do not know where to turn for help.

At Spohrer Dodd, we are observing HIE Awareness Month to support Hope for HIE and its cause. As birth injury attorneys who have seen many HIE cases, we know how devastating the situation can be, and how much worse it is when parents feel helpless. Hope for HIE is doing a great thing by organizing this annual campaign to spread awareness, provide education about HIE, and give support to families raising a child with it.

Causes & Consequences of HIE

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is typically caused by some form of medical malpractice during birth. Medical providers assisting with the delivery of a baby must pay close attention to the infant’s health, vital signs, and positioning, among other things. Failing to act with due medical care can endanger the baby and result in HIE. For example, HIE may be caused by fetal distress, a delayed C-section, the umbilical cord wrapping around the newborn, etc. All of these issues should be avoidable with the proper medical care.

The permanent consequences of HIE, which is a birth injury, may include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Full body seizures
  • Stunted mental development
  • Breathing difficulties

The cost of lifelong care for someone living with HIE can be staggering, especially in cases where HIE is severe. This is where Spohrer Dodd and our birth injury attorneys can play our part and help make things as right as they can be. We offer compassionate, experienced legal representation to the people of Jacksonville whose child was born with HIE due to a doctor’s mistakes. You know you can count on us because we have secured more than one billion dollars on behalf of our clients through successful trials and settlements, often in cases against powerful insurance companies that refused to back down. The good news is we don’t back down either.

Discover the difference our representation can make for your HIE birth injury claim. Call (904) 637-7721 today.