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Attorney Robert Spohrer Selected to Lawdragon 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers

Robert F. Spohrer

Lawdragon is one of the world’s leading legal media outlets, reporting on everything important in the legal world. Each year, it comprises a list of who it believes to be the absolute best plaintiff attorneys across the country. Members who are placed on this list – the Lawdragon 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers guide – proudly represent the wrongfully injured, either in individual lawsuits or large-scale class actions.

Our legal team at Spohrer Dodd in Jacksonville, Florida is excited to announce that Attorney Robert Spohrer was recently announced as a member of the Lawdragon 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers list of 2019.

For more than 40 years, Attorney Spohrer has been practicing law. Along the way, he has always held the belief that the wrongfully injured, abused, or neglected deserve compensation and a sense of justice. Due to his work as a plaintiff attorney, Attorney Spohrer has secured more than $100 million in successful verdicts and settlements.

It is a high honor for Lawdragon to recognize and award Attorney Spohrer for his work and representation across the years. While the best reward is knowing a client can live more comfortably thanks to a great case result, there is value and encouragement in knowing that professional organizations like Lawdragon and Spohrer’s own legal peers have taken notice of his efforts, too. After all, it is the combined efforts of legal professionals and associates that can make the biggest positive differences for the wrongfully injured.

Read more on our Press Release.

You can learn more about Lawdragon and its 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers 2019 list by clicking hereand visiting the organization’s official website. If you want to know more about Attorney Robert Spohrer, please feel free to call Spohrer Dodd at (904) 637-7721. You can also arrange a free consultation if you have an injury claim of your own that requires an injury attorney’s attention and representation.